Kapil Kinara FR :-
So this was my 3rd out of 4 day freedom for mongering!
Came late ( by my usual standards) around 9.30 at home. Talked with wife for a long time and then said GN to her ( felt guilty

). The time was around 11.30. Surfed the forum and found that all SBs will be closed. My best bets were Ramesh or Deepika but by the time I would reach there those would have been closed or nearing closing time. So decided to visit a nearby OB i.e. Kapil Kinara ( my first ever OB visit in life) - 2nd visit here. My society gate closes by 12

. When I got down, told the watchman to open the gate and told him that my friend from Pune has come to visit and I'll return by 2 am , paid him 50 bucks ( Ghooskhori koi Indian logo se seekhe). Hailed an auto and got down nearby Kapil Kinara. While walking towards the door, some 5-6 guys were sitting on their bikes and leaving. I thought raid vagaira hua kya. Still went ahead to door , paid watchman 20 bucks and entered, went to 1st floor and gave again 20 bucks to the doorman. Entered the bar and one coatvalla directed me to the Sofa seat. Got comfortable the seat was on left hand side of the stage. Asked for Tuborg Classic ( it is added with premium scotch - jaldi chadhti hai muze) but the captain said strong or mild! I said strong , the waiter brought the beer. Waiter aur captain dono ko 50-50 diya. Went into observation mode - enjoying my beer and a dance by a milf type girl being nachaoed by an uncle. He was enjoying her company thoroughly. After few minutes, the fake customer from Bar got up and called a girl and they both started to dance in sync. Sala itna bhi overacting mat karo ki samajh me aye ki sath me rehearsal Kiya ho

. Enjoyed for nearly an hour and then captain came and asked whether to repeat the beer. I said yes please. All this while the girl from my last visit ( Mamta) was eyeing me ( had made her dance last time too) . Avoided eye contact and acted like a Sakth Launda ( Zakir Khan fans would know what I'm saying), never gave bhaav to the girl. Was planning to make her dance in my mind just then an uncle showed interest in her and paid her boni! Saala jealousy crept in aur Sakth Launda pighal gaya! Called her , gave boni and asked her to dance on Ang laga de next, tipped the DJ guy. The song was played next and Mamta forgot it for few seconds but then came for the dance. She danced well but still felt she didn't give her 100% . Last time she had danced much better. Paid her 500 bucks for the dance and again went into observation mode. Enjoyed my second beer and also enjoyed free dances and fake dance by fake customer with 2 different girls. Their dances were so much in sync that it was evident that the customer was FAKE! Enjoyed 4-5 dances and finished my beer slowly.
MM Bhai had given me advice to observe things in my first DB visit and zero in on a girl I like. Although I visited an OB, followed his advice and enjoyed the observation mode and found one girl really cute. Will see whether I can crack her next time. Will go full ballistic next time! Enjoyed for 2 hours with minimal damages as per OB standards.
Damgaes :-
Tip to girl :- 200+500
Bill for 2 beers :- 1600
Tips to waitsatff and watchmen :- 400.
Kal mera mongering freedom ka last din hai. Let's see where destiny takes me and I get chance to manger freely next.
Sorry for the lenghty FR written in a little drunken state.