
  1. A

    Good german pages to find a girl in your area

    Here are some addresses, where you can find a partner in germany. Hope you will find your girl! Cheers Okekeokeke :)
  2. A

    German Escort Terms

    Is there a website that defines all the terms... there seem to be a million of them
  3. J

    Informative German websites with fkk/gangbang/party info.

    Here's a list of sites that list FKK's and a few other places: - also has info on partytreffs, brothels and a host of other options.
  4. K

    Prague night clubs vs German FKK Clubs

    How are the top night clubs in Prague like Darling, Sexy, K5 compared with the more wel known FKK clubs in Germany, such as Bernd's, Samya in Cologne, Palace and Oase in Frankfurt or Artemis in Berlin? I like to know the pros-&-cons regarding service, price, setup, safety, but importantly the...
  5. P

    German FKKs near the Dutch border

    After my mind blowing experience with Anna at VV, I decided to go back there, even though I now think that this club is not busy enough for my liking. I asked at the desk if Anna was there, and after some checking the answer was NO. We therefore decided to jump back in the car and drive to...
  6. J

    Translate from German to English please

    Thanks for the translation. Another guy PM'd me a few weeks back with the same info. I went to see her a couple of weeks ago. Her name is Kamilla and she use to advertise herself on and I paid 60 euro for sex with oral with condom. It was ok...
  7. L

    Best of the legal German FKK clubs and brothels

    We sure did and ready to do it again. Get a group together and let's go! PM me about details
  8. B

    What does it say on this myspace? i think its german or sweedish? on the picutre with the girl on the right.. what does it say in english?
  9. J

    German prostitution terms

    ...was how evilpiggie learned not to order the "natursekt passiv" for dessert!
  10. B

    German Border Zone?

    As told already I was in Mabuhay niteclub in Hazlov - very satisfied. I do not recommend Lipps niteclub on the street from Cheb to As. Unfriendly and snobbish girls, overpriced drinks and a rude barman. Went to LaBelle niteclub in As - nothing special, no action done. Went to Nikola niteclub...
  11. Pompal 09.

    German prostitute law gets support

    Germans green-light a red-light bonanza Krysia Diver in Stuttgart Saturday July 30, 2005 The Guardian One of Germany's biggest luxury brothels is being built in the capital to cater for visitors to next year's World Cup. The 60-room bordello - oddly named Artemis after the goddess of...
  12. J

    I am getting an older German Shepherd from a rescue. I have cats. Any suggestions on

    how to introduce them? She has been tested with cats, but I would love suggestions on how to introduce them with the least stress.
  13. K

    spanish, french, german, sweedish, russian, romanian words for star related items?

    what are the different names for meteorite, shooting star, falling star, ect. to name something, so only put it if it sounds pretty and is easy to pronounce thanks
  14. L

    I have 2 pugs being introduced into a family with one German Shepard and a cat?

    I have two pugs that were neglected for the first two years of their life together.. they are brother and sister and never leave each other's side. at the foster home they were at, they did fine with 4 other pugs and a Bernese mountain dog. BUT at my house, we have an old cat, whom is 11, and a...
  15. Nick Jonas <3

    German MPA

    I just came back from a long time away and I am interested in finding an mp who can provide a German hj I would appreciate it if any member knows of an mp in the north part of Toronto or close to the 401 area.
  16. B

    How was gender introduced in the German language?

    I mean, why is certain things feminine and others masculine? What makes the rules for new words introduced to the German language?
  17. K

    spanish, french, german, sweedish, russian, romanian words for star related items?

    what are the different names for meteorite, shooting star, falling star, ect. to name something, so only put it if it sounds pretty and is easy to pronounce thanks
  18. J

    german forum like this one ?

    Thanks for the info, I can not tell with all the ongoing propagnda what is the current impression of arabs in Germany.I am vert looking forward to interact with German women who are intellectual and aware of things happening around them. A smart woman is not a turn off. From my experince...
  19. C

    introducing a malamute to a german shep?

    i have a female malamute she is 5& a half and i want to rehome a female german shep who is 6 my dog is very very dominant and is not great with some dogs but then is brill with others will this be a impossible task or is it doable if so any tips on how to start them off? any help would be...
  20. FUHummer

    Sprite ad ( german )