
  1. V

    A German Duck Joke

    A German guy approaches a prostitute. "I vish to buy zex vit you". "OK" says the girl, "I'll charge £150 an hour". "Ist goot, but I must varn you, I am a little kinky". "No problem", she replies cautiously, "I can do a little kinky"; So off they go to the girls flat...
  2. A

    A German, An Australian And A Mexican

    A German, an Australian, and a Mexican are on a plane. They say that they can tell where they are by sticking their hands out of the pane. The German sticks his hand out and says "We are in Germany". The others ask, "How do you know", the German says, "Cuz' it's so cold". Then the Australian...
  3. C

    4 guys, a Russian, a German, an American and French

    There were these 4 guys, a Russian, a German, an American and French, who found this small genie bottle. When they rubbed the bottle, a genie appears. Thankful that the 4 guys had released him out of the bottle, he said, "Next to you all are 4 swimming pools, I will give each of you a wish...
  4. B

    What does it say on this myspace? i think its german or sweedish? on the picutre with the girl on the right.. what does it say in english?
  5. K

    spanish, french, german, sweedish, russian, romanian words for star related items?

    what are the different names for meteorite, shooting star, falling star, ect. to name something, so only put it if it sounds pretty and is easy to pronounce thanks
  6. M

    What is the best way to introduce 2 German Shepherds?

    We have a 5 year old German Shepherd and will be adopting a 9 month old German Shepherd in a few days. What is the best way for these two to be intoduced? My 5 year old just lost his best friend (our 15 year old german shepherd) a month ago. He is not territorial but very energetic. Any...
  7. K

    spanish, french, german, sweedish, russian, romanian words for star related items?

    what are the different names for meteorite, shooting star, falling star, ect. to name something, so only put it if it sounds pretty and is easy to pronounce thanks
  8. B

    What does it say on this myspace? i think its german or sweedish? on the picutre with the girl on the right.. what does it say in english?
  9. S

    Introduce a cat to a german shepherd?

    Me and my best friend are planning on moving in together into an apartment sometime next year. I have a 7 month old kitten at the moment, and she just bought a 2 month old german shepherd pup. I'm wondering, what is the best way to introduce these two? Right now they don't live anywhere near...
  10. B

    What does it say on this myspace? i think its german or sweedish? on the picutre with the girl on the right.. what does it say in english?
  11. K

    spanish, french, german, sweedish, russian, romanian words for star related items?

    what are the different names for meteorite, shooting star, falling star, ect. to name something, so only put it if it sounds pretty and is easy to pronounce thanks
  12. T

    How to introduce a Golden Retriever to a German Shepherd?

    Hey, i got a white german shepherd, female, exactly 1year old. And my friend's dog gave a litter of 8 golden retrievers, so we volunteered to adopt a puppy! in 2 weeks the pups will be a month old so we'll get one home. I havent and wont spay either dogs. So do u think a female golden pup will...
  13. F

    How Can I Properly Introduce My Male Cat to my German Shepherd puppy?

    I plan to get a male pure bred GSD pup sometime next month and I'd like him to live inside. But the problem is, we have 2 cats (an older female and a younger male) in the home with us already. It's a pretty large house so space is not an issue, but my male cat is. I've noticed that he is quite...
  14. K

    spanish, french, german, sweedish, russian, romanian words for star related items?

    what are the different names for meteorite, shooting star, falling star, ect. to name something, so only put it if it sounds pretty and is easy to pronounce thanks
  15. B

    What does it say on this myspace? i think its german or sweedish? on the picutre with the girl on the right.. what does it say in english?
  16. C

    How to introduce an adult German Shepherd into a cat household?

    We just recently brought a 3-year-old German Shepherd to our house and will possibly keep him. Our only problem is that we have 4 indoor/outdoor cats and one completely outdoor cat who refuses to go inside or be pet. I have heard that in order to introduce him we should put him in his crate and...
  17. B

    What does it say on this myspace? i think its german or sweedish? on the picutre with the girl on the right.. what does it say in english?
  18. J

    Introducing 8 wk German Shepherd Female Puppy to my 11 month Male German Sheperd?

    how do i do this right? He is a good boy and has had played with my nans little foxies dogs before and loved them but still at the same time i am pretty scared! Help and advice please!
  19. G

    good chat room for german begginers?

    im learning how to speak germen and i was wondering if there was any german chat room for other begginers learning how to speak links will be most usefull, thank you
  20. V

    What does it say on this myspace? i think its german or sweedish? on the picutre with the girl on the right.. what does it say in english?