Cheers Dennis, pretty much sums up my thoughts on the subject.
If some blokes holiday consists of starting drinking at early o'clock, in his favourite bar to watch the usual bird take a bath 'erotically' then BF her mate, back to his hotel, get pissed, sleep, have a bag of crisps then do it all again for 14 nights! good on yer! Go for it!
If you want some sanuk with the girls, chill out, relax, take them back to yours in slow time and have places worth visiting with her then I would chose Phuket.
To me Bangkok is Sex with a bit of shopping thrown in.
When all said and done and I know I've said it before. Let's say my holiday consists of 14 nights in either place and I was to have 2 ST's and 1 LT every single night (Not that I would as I would have knob like a cobblers thumb)
but......14 x 3 girls is......hang on.....just get a calculator....42!
Now if I can't find 42 girls in either Patts, Patong or Bangkok who I like the look of over a two week period! Then I might as well pack it all in and go home.
When all said and done, it's the 'first week' in the bar for 99% of the girls.......Cough! So new girls every week innit!