now that someone is talking about Philippines, i cant resist to butt in..
its been 2 consecutive years that i have been going to Philippines for "sex vacation"
you get everything there that you would dream of...
the best way however is to hook up with a filipina girl on dating apps, that way u r assured of a gf far away, for entire life !
While i am myself a occasional visitor to these Navi Mumbai DB's and SB's, they all seem nothing and pricey when compared to what is offered in Philippines.
in my opinion, filipina girls look outside of Filipino men mainly bcoz Filipino men are known to be untrustworthy and cheaters. they leave their wives easily if they get another woman. almost 1 in 3 matured girl there is a single mother.
ofcourse the lure of white skin makes americans and Australians find their luck very easily there, but with a bit of effort, it is easy for us Indians too.
Lol, i must now take some money from Philippines govt now for doing their bidding
