mumbai monger
I keep it very simple. My mobile has pin and no one knows it. For laptop i have separate id and everything is on desktop so no one can see. Once a month i uninstall taptalk, archive girl whatsapp chats, delete call logs etc, even delete girls number after saving list in vcf file. And show some movie cartoon or news to wife kids and leave mobile with them and leave for to talk with someone outside or washroom etc. I know by that much time mobile is scanned but its safe for me. I dont keep anything on tabs as both tabs are used mostly with kids. If i do rarely i used incognito mode. And on laptop i have created userid for kids and wife without password. So i dont take much risk in complications and hurting self but keep it simple and safe for me.Ah, I know that one. The perennial struggle of the closet mongerer to hide his dark side from his loved onesWe are like the were-wolves who fear that they will harm the ones they love. Here are a few tips from a fellow were-wolf.
On Laptop / Desktop :
I had the same problem. I solved it by installing another browser i.e. Firefox. I deleted the shortcut from the desktop so that no one else finds it easily.
So now my family uses the default browsers available upfront i.e. IE and Chrome where the shared account is auto-logged-in.
My mongering accounts are all on Firefox or Tor browser. Here I also make it a point to log out of the Amazon or any mongering account once my job is done.
On Mobile / Tablet
Here I have a Secure Folder. I keep all my mongering Apps inside the Secure Folder. The default visibility is OFF for this folder. Whenever the need arises, I switch it ON , use it amd then OFF again. Here I use a different account and email id to keep everything discreet.
I am sure most of you follow these already. But feel free to suggest other tips to help other werewolves.
Sent from my Redmi Note 5 Pro using Tapatalk