Uncle Sam just give review about Star night in CBDHappy Street
Current quality status
May be I am very strict for quality but that's what it is
So again in Bakka style update
Star night Db and Ob -quality down ..don't go at present
Meghraj --quality ?...what's that
ICON --hello --hello -help me please
Sun city Nx--they should sell it off
Star city Db and Ob --all space and no gals -one can play Box cricket inside it
Gabana Db -- old wine in old bottle with old cork with same old taste
So what's Happy ?
Nightangle--ever green -best Db award goes to nightangle
Canbana Ob --few are really Hot
Bebo Ob --Bebo is Sexy Babe
I feel at presnt only three high end DBs are worth going
Crazy boys
Uncle Sam
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