1. To Angelina - my experiences have been great. Nothing unfortunate about them. Some girls I like. Some I don't. Big deal. As I've said, I want to know what the person I'm with is thinking.
My claims, by and large, don't surprise me. Given the nature of the industry and the reasons girls are in it, it's exactly what I'd expect. Please also understand that I'm not saying all girls are racist, or all girls are lesbians. I am well aware not all girls are the same or feel the same.
2. To those who say they don't care, various responses:
a) you might consider buying yourself an inflatable doll instead.
b) I don't believe (all of) you. To say you don't care means that if you knew the girl who was groping you thought you were a pathetic wimp wouldn't bother you. Knowing a girl is laughing behind your back doesn't bother you?
Well - all I can say is, I don't believe you.
c) If you've ever thought about it (and clearly some of you haven't) sex is a certain percentage physical and a certain percentage psychological.
Hopefully, if you've reached adulthood, you've come to the point where a smoking hot 10 chick can say something so stupid that you just lose interest, while an okay 7 chick will know how to mess with you in just the right way to make it the best experience of your life.
If you understand that, then you can't be serious about not wanting to know what the girl is thinking.
Another example: Is there a difference for you between fucking a 10 and fucking a 10 and making her cum? If you answer "no" - well, you've achieved a level of detachedness that is clinically interesting. If you are answering "yes" then you know why it is good to have insight into the girl you are with.
d) I think it's funny that some of you have the need to point out it is a financial transaction. Duh.
Anyway, I'll leave it at that for now - thanks for playing.