I confess, my opinion of the media was never high and sank dramatically during Trump's presidency..but even I would have not believed them capable of what has happened in the last week.
I think many are missing the point. The validity of the Biden laptop story is important, but to my mind, not the main story here. The much more important happening is the outright suppression and refusal to investigate a story that's potentially damaging to one candidate. And most "reporters" are in support of this.
Even if you are a committed never Trumper, if you have the slightest capacity to judge something objectively you must see the incredibly blatant double standard being openly employed by the media. They didn't run or suppressed this story because it's not "validated" Well then, I think what reporters do in such situations is investigate. They are not running it because it's sourced from "hacked" material? Well, actually no it's not, and anyway, has that EVER stopped them from running a story damaging to Trump? This laptop story, as it stands today, already has far more evidence to back it up than The Atlantic "suckers and losers" article. No one decried the lack of validation there...or in literally thousands of other stories about Trump.
Only willful blindness and/or the belief that everything is justified if it removes Trump can explain this behaviour by the media. It cannot end well.