I did a similar thing in bali, cant remember the notes, those balinese girls really have sunshine smiles.:happyi:
I'm a frequent tipper in thailand but not big. If I have one drink in a bar and ddint get hassled I leave the 20bt.
I'll tip whenever the service comes with a smile and a thank you.If the service person is doing their job happily I'll tip them. 20 to 100 bt normally.
I have a non girly bar which I go to regularly and the service staff there are a pure delight. Happy to chat, muck around, play pool with you and quick on the drinks.They rarely get an order wrong.If theres ever a problem they fix it quick smart, with a smile and a sorry.I always tip 100bt plus there and usually 1000bt at the end of the trip.:gasp:
When I never tip, not even the 10bt coins is when they demand a tip.Usually this occurs when the service has been standard and minimal.When I pick up the 2 coins its usually met with an agressive"where tip?"- I respond for tip you need to be better"
that usually confuses then somewhat.:na: I only return to those types of bars if blotto.
Theres a bar I got to in karon when I stay there,I dont fancy any of the girls there but they are great fun.Normally I buy 2 or 3 of them a LD and they entertain me while I'm there. I then take a 50 bt note and say Ill tip them if I can place it inside their bra.They all know me for this.
Strangely I have never had a knock back:rofl: