Recently ran into a problem with a young MPA who argued with me of what constitutes a body slide, so I was hoping we could come to some consensus of what it means to get a body slide. Do you agree with the following? Add more if required
1. MPA must get totally nude. Ie remove bras, panties, etc.
2. Allow for both parties to use their bodies to directly touch, rub, one another's. Being a sexual experience touch and rubbing each other's private parts against the body is a must. Refer to the "Italian" and " Russian" finishes.
3. Usual experiences should include, cuddling, spooning, dry humping.
4. Hands should be able to roam and explore freely ( without any insertion into any bodily orifice)
5. Allow Kissing of body parts (allow DATY but BJ is not part of the slide).
6. Final release as a result of the above actions on the body ( not the face).
I don't believe any of the above are offside and not part of a good valued body slide.
Please add any more actions if you think they apply to a STANDARD.. I did not add LFK or DFK.
I recently had a bad experience with a very pretty young MPA who did not do any of the above but wanted 120 for a body slide !!!
Let develop and promote a Standard for a body slide