So here we go on tour of Navi Mumbai 3rd visit. Unbelievably we ended visiting 7 bars details as follow. Started at 5.45 got stuck in terrible traffic, first destination was Kishore as my friend never been there.Reached there at 7.15.
1)Kishore: As usual inner two rooms packed took a seat in outer room.Ordered for beer, had the jaundice thing in mind drank from bottle n didn't have single bite of chakna..Ha ha..Most of the girls whr occupied then came one girl , name she told Manisha, she was not that friendly n allowed only very mild fondling that too very reluctantly.She was more interested in dancing.So me n friend both danced with her couple of songs.Dancing with her was enjoyable i guess she was more comfortable dancing rather than sitting beside.Gave her 600 n asked for bill.Damages:
Two beer:1080 i guess.
Girl: 600
Tips to waiter:150
Tip to watchmen:50. Asked the watchmen whr is laila bar, he rightly gave direction n said
'Saab Kishore jaisa maja kahi nahi aayega'.
2) Laila: One plus one bar, groud floor is SB n first floor DB.Ordered beer was going through stock average stock.The bar sitting arrangement is congested i felt, it seems girls are standing on your head.Music system is good, the girls where giving seducing looks one girl straight asked for Boni gave 100 rs. 150 to one more girl just because she kept on staring.Can't do much fondling DB section due to birght lights, inbetween when lights become dim on certain songs that time mild touching is possible.Played one holi song gave the DJ 100rs, made on girl danced on that song, me n friend also joined her Good fun.She danced on more 3-4 songs must hav given her around 500.Frindly girl decent dancer.Damages:
Two beer:1240
Girls+ DJ:850
Waiter coatwala: 150 very pushy guys.
3)Love bar: Thanks to backa for putting landmark of sharayu hyndai.Reached thr by 10 i guess, lights of outside board whr shut so had to ask paanwala he guided us.Good looking girls, interiors a bit dull, music played was really good.Couple of girls whr dancing. Gave around 200 to couple of girls.

ne beer 700 rs.
Tips to girls n coatwala:300
4) Starcity Belapur OB:Time was around 10.40, happy street in mind, reached there by 11.10.Nice ambiance, 10-15 spotless beauties n decent crowd.Checked the scene.
Damages:One Beer 850
Tips to coatwala:150
5) Bebo OB: Next stop Bebo, entered classy interiors, good sitting space, again 10 around eye candy n spotless beauties.Good orchestra girls n nice music.Got friendly with one uncle was at starcity he told us Nightcity will be his next stop. Both Bebo n starcity are side by side.Damages
1 beer:850
6) Night city OB:Entered ordered one beer: Fucking the beer taste was awful, told the waiter n captain on top of that male singer sang two old songs back to back ,who wants to hear male singer in his original voice.Ordered bill.Girls whr decent. Damages
1 Beer 930. Will not visit again here.
7) Icon OB: Me n my friend both whr hungry, went to Nimantran hotel for dinner around 12.45, saw ICON OB diagonally opposite, we said lets visit this 7th wonder also of Navi mumbai tonite.Ordered food at nimantran n made d driver seat over thr as 1 AM was final order time.Entered around 15 girls again spotless beauties, one girl danced on Khalbali song terrific dance.Nice interiors music n set up.Finished in 20/25 minutes.Damages
1 beer:850
Had dinner in Nimantran n concluded our tour of Navi mumbai. Overall damages for the night must be around 10/11k for visiting this 7 places n other expenses but it was worth.Conclusion: Laila n Kishor for economical fun value for money.Bebo/ starcity will visit again but again for sight seeing n limited spending no point going over board on this girls even though they are tempting for any men to go after.Love also will give it a try once again. Happy street Belapur as uncle sam said is really happening, all near by n lot of options.Nways lot many places to explore.
Thanks forum members for putting FR it helps a lot.
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